Monday, December 29, 2008

Abstraction Now 2009

Chased From the Market 30"x25" (oil on canvas) 2008 accepted in a show juried by Franklin Hill Perrell,Chief Curator at the Nassau County Museum of Art.
The judges were looking for Art that reflects the influence of 20th century abstraction. The show opens Jan. 31st at the Firehouse Plaza Art Gallery.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tregoning And Company

Art dealer William Tregoning visited my studio,was impressed by the work and agreed to represent me. I'm grateful, Bill has helped me to re-examine my abstract paintings and has been working with me on cataloguing my art work.
His thoughtful comments and his knowledge of Cleveland art history and the history of art in general is impressive. The gallery which can show large paintings easily is well put together and I've enjoyed the shows there.
We are fortunate to have Bill in Cleveland,he helps me realize that the relationship between dealer and artist is a two way street.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Restless Joyce

The people that I learn from in my life are the people who expose me for what I really am. Joyce Stevenson was one of those people,she was a mentor and a friend.
At a time in my life when I was trying to find meaning I had been reading the works of some Gurdjieff students,Ouspensky and Maurice Nicole and became interested in the Gurdjieff work. A former art teacher of mine was in a group and mentioned that Tom Forman a student of Gurdjieff was giving a talk at the Friends House in University Circle. I attended the meeting and met Joyce's husband Frank who invited me to some informal meetings at there home.
I sat in a group with Joyce for about ten years,she was fearless in here approach to the work and always willing to expose her weaknesses and fears. Her example showed me that it was crucial for this study to have a "question" and to work in a way not looking for results but to except my situation in the moment.
Joyce was also one of the most restless people I ever met,but her sincere efforts constantly supported my work. Now Joyce can rest in peace.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Guarding the Well
On the surface these paintings are very ordinary and not meant to be taken literally.
During certain times of year, the ancient Celts “guarded their wells” from being poisoned. I’m interested in the inner meaning of this story; it seems related to my search. I have noticed in myself two natures: one grasping for a shortcut to enlightenment, and another more patient and allowing. This deeper part of me needs to be nourished, but how?
I spend most of my working life fragmented while giving little time to quiet searching. Why bother there’s never any “payoff?” But if I’m physically still enough and able to abandon old ideas and habits, I find a deeper, more reliable place that has a different taste. The questioning process begins: Why keep painting?
Somehow, the answer is connected to feeling. The new paintings are about inner postures and states, unseen things, aspects of my nature I am unable to put in words.
These acts of painting have helped me become more related to my inner world.
My purpose is not to confuse or be mysterious but to follow my interests and be open enough to allow these images to come through me. This process helps to feed the deeper parts of myself, places not accessible by ordinary efforts.

The show is on for August 2009.

Asterisk Gallery director Dana Depew considers exhibiting some of my new paintings.